About Eric A. Kay, Esq.
At the law firm of Eric A. Kay, P.A., a very unique approach to handling your legal needs is employed. My objective is to provide high-quality legal services to the firm's clients, tailored to meet the needs of each individual or business.
Many lawyers or firms specialize in only one area of law. When you engage my firm you are provided with global representation solutions. It has been a hallmark of my business to assemble, for each client that requires services in a variety of legal areas, a team that is custom built to advocate for the best interests of that client.

The Law Offices of Eric A. Kay, P.A. is a general practice law firm that handles a diverse array of legal services. We represent clients in several areas of law including business transactions, criminal defense/criminal law, business and civil litigation, personal injury pre-suit and litigation, international legal consulting, entertainment law and family law.
With regard to business transactions and civil litigation we have over the years provided services to individuals and companies involved in various fields of business including oil and petroleum services, health care, medical accreditation, health and wellness products, cosmetics, genetic research, property development, real estate, music, vehicle sales and servicing, insurance, global sales and marketing, international business development, restaurants and bars, nightclubs and entertainment, internet development and marketing, online gaming, and private capital investment among others.
As to criminal law and criminal defense, we handle ALL State law charges throughout Florida and Federal charges in the Southern District of Florida. We provide representation at all stages of the proceeding, from initial investigation to trial, and everything in between including post-conviction relief, criminal appeals, claims for ineffective assistance of counsel, claims involving deportation, motions for modification or termination of probation, and petitions to seal or expunge criminal records. We also provide legal consulting to companies or attorneys who have criminal law questions relating to the operation of their business or the status of one of their employees or clients.
For more information on all of our available legal services please contact us by phone at 954-330-8994 or send an email to [email protected]. Whatever your legal issue, we always provide a free and confidential consultation to determine your individual needs.

As an assistant public defender for Broward County I represented thousands of individuals at all stages of criminal proceedings, including jury trials, bench trials, motions to dismiss, motions to supress, motions for pre-trial release, motions to set bond, motions for downward departure from sentencing guidleines, motions for alternative sentence due to substance abuse, violation of probation hearings, motions to terminate or modify probation, hearings for placement or release as to defendants suffering from mental illness, placement of defendants in diversion programs resulting in dismissal of charges, and many other evidentiary matters.
Charges successfully defended include: Arson, Aggravated Assault with Firearm or Deadly Weapon, Aggravated Assault on Law Enforcement Officer, Assault (simple), Aggravated Battery with Deadly Weapon, Battery (simple) Burglary (Dwelling), Burglary (Business or Vehicle), Carrying Concealed Firearm, Check Fraud, Domestic Violence, Drug Trafficking, Drug Distribution or Sales, Drug Purchasing, Drug Possession, DUI, Extortion, Fraud, Gang Related activity, Leaving the Scene of an Accident (Felony and Misdemeanor), Murder, Prostitution, Pimping, Resisting Arrest (felony and Misdemeanor), Robbery, Theft (Felony and Misdemeanor), Statutory Rape, Throwing or Shooting Deadly Missiles, Threat or Attempt to Discharge Device of Mass Destruction, Violation of Injunction, Violation of Restraining Order, and many others.
As a legal assistant to the in-house counsel of Luke Records, I worked with entertainment law related matters regarding the operation of a record label and film company. In this role, I assisted with artist contracts, distribution agreements, licensing agreements, trademark and intellectual property claims, and others.
During my employment as a trial lawyer for Broward County, I received the "Not Guilty" Hat Trick Award from the Broward Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
This award was given as a result of being Counsel of Record while receiving at least 3 consecutive "Not Guilty" verdicts in felony criminal cases that were tried by a jury resulting in acquittal of the defendant. Of the prior 10 cases taken to trial during the time period of this award, all 10 resulted in jury acquittal or dismissal of the most serious criminal charge presented.
Super Lawyers Rising Star, 2013
University of Miami School of Law
Doctor of Law (J.D.)
1999 – 2002
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Philosophy
1995 – 1999